The most common dating photoshoot questions


What happens once I book a shoot?

I will email you to set up a date based on your availability. The most popular time to shoot is later in the day, as this is the most flattering light. I work 7 days.

If you are currently using dating apps, I will ask you to send through your photos.

Not all dating photos always need to be replaced, and this will also give me an idea of your personality and vibe prior to the day.

If you are new to dating apps, or photos are more than a year old, then we will start fresh.

Where about’s will the shoot be?

The locations are always based relatively close to the inner city suburbs. Port Melbourne, St Kilda, Fitzroy, Collingwood, Elwood, Prahran, Windsor, South Yarra, Richmond, and beaches, are the most popular.

All of these areas have change rooms close by.

What do I bring along on the day?

Example: If you book a 4 look shoot, I will ask you to bring 5 different outfits, or more if you like. You can often double up on pants once, though not tops. I will give my recommendations. Depending on the looks that we decide on, you can bring these in a bag, or on hangers

I do recommend having clothes relatively creaseless, as this does make a difference to overall presentation/how you are portrayed. If you are unsure of what goes with what, I will go through this with you on the day based on complementary colours and styles.

For girls/ladies, keep makeup (if you decide to wear) relatively neutral. Guys want to see the real you.In planning the shoot, I may also ask you to bring props along. I often have props which I bring as well. As I sometimes use flash, the one colour I’d recommend limited is white as detail can be lost.

What happens once the shoot is finished?

The turnaround time is often quite quick. Within 3-4 days, you will receive a link to the photos.

Within these shots, there will be a combination of square as well as portrait crops, as dating apps don’t all have the same dimensions.

I will also narrow down the strongest images here, for you to then choose from.

Are others around when we shoot?

Being out in public, it can be tough to escape everyone. In saying that there are always locations that will be less quite, that I can scope out prior to the day.

How many looks should I book for?

When people view your profile, it’s important that you look the same as you are now. Having photos that are not current will go against you when you meet up.

What if it rains?

If I know it’s going to rain, I will reschedule asap to fit in with you. As Melbourne’s weather can be everywhere, the latest I will contact you is 12pm on the day.

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